The reunion and name announcement have been met with widespread joy and celebration within the royal family and among the public. This moment signifies a strengthening...
Meghan’s closest friends, including Serena Williams, also threw the Duchess a baby shower at The Mark Hotel in Manhattan Everything Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have...
The birth announcement also referred to the newborn as Lili, a nickname that Prince Harry and Meghan have continued to call their daughter. In March 2023,...
King Charles is said to not be taking any of Prince Harry’s phone calls – and for one royal author, it’s easy to see why. “When...
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, talk about the perils of social media, online bullies and how they’re hoping to help...
Amid ongoing tensions with the British royal family, Prince Harry is reportedly making a significant effort to reconnect with Kate Middleton’s family, specifically targeting Pippa Middleton...
Grace Kelly was born on November 12, 1929, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. According to Biography, her father was a three-time Olympic gold medalist for rowing, while her...
Best known for her role as Rachel Zane in “Suits,” in which she appeared for seven seasons out of the show’s total nine, Markle also had...
Prince William chased other women during his split with Kate Middleton when the pair struggled with distance shortly after rekindling their love whilst studying at the...
According to the insider, Harry believes that Meghan “reveals too much” about them, and that even many of the things she has said are not accurate....