Swifties for Harris” is a grassroots initiative driven by Taylor Swift’s dedicated fan community, known as Swifties, to support a specific political figure or cause. This...
The reality TV star and business mogul Kim Kardashian has publicly called for the NFL to ban pop superstar Taylor Swift from attending games where Kansas...
In a candid and heartfelt revelation, tennis sensation Coco Gauff has opened up about her personal life in a way that has surprised many of her...
Coco Gauff was straight honest following a shock Toronto exit as the American tennis star admitted she wondered whether playing in Canada was a good idea...
Cecile Landi, who coaches Simone Biles and other elite gymnasts with her husband, Laurent, was named co-head coach for the University of Georgia and still plans...
Chiles initially indicated on her own Instagram story that the decision had been made, displaying her feelings with four broken heart emojis. She also left a...
Simone Biles is back in the USA… just a day after partying hard following the end of the Olympics, as she told fans on social media...
The father-of-two shared a Daily Mail article on his Facebook page on Thursday, after West’s collaborator Lil Wayne name-dropped the lovebirds on their new song, ‘Lifestyle.’...
Over the last one year, the bond between the couple barely showed any indication of weakening. Rather, in front of the big tides, the couple remained...
For many people, the top question for the Jacksonville Jaguars’ preseason NFL opener against the Kansas City Chiefs isn’t about Trevor Lawrence and his performance with...